9:00am - 9:15am
welcome and introductions: standpoint
9:15am - 10:45am
Building Relationships with Community Partners
Presented by: Madeline Nelson, Legal Advocate and Elli Vega, Underserved Populations Support Advocate
Advocacy requires a delicate balance between challenging system norms and building and maintaining strong relationships. This presentation will cover strategies for achieving this, provide an overview of relevant system professionals, and other considerations.
10:45am - 11:00am
11:00am - 12:30pm
Working with Immigrant Survivors 101: A Guide for Advocates
Presented by: Ana Maria Studer, Advocacy Support Program Manager and Thi Synavone, Executive Director
Advocates play a crucial role in helping immigrant victim/survivors access the justice and safety related services that they're legally entitled to. This training will provide an overview of the unique needs of immigrant survivors, and how advocates can increase safety and security while minimizing barriers, fears and misconceptions. The skills you will leave this presentation with are:
Gain an understanding of why immigrants leave their home country
Receive ideas on how to transform your office space to be welcoming
Learn the advocates role when helping survivors who are working with attorneys
Recognize the importance of Language Access Plans for your organization
Learn how to appropriately work with interpreters
Explore safety plan options
12:30pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm - 3:00pm
OFP/HRO Drafting and Strategizing for New and Experienced Advocates
Presented by: Madeline Nelson, Legal Advocate and Rana Alexander, Director of Finance/Staff Attorney
This presentation will walk participants through the process of writing strong and enforceable OFPs and HROs. While it will revisit the basics, its focus will be on strategy and safety considerations, making it appropriate for both new advocates and those with more experience. This training will include tips for interviewing your program participant to garner the most crucial facts and develop a safety plan that may or may not include filing a protective order.
3:00PM - 3:10pM
3:10pm - 4:00pm
OFP/HRO Drafting and Strategizing for New and Experienced Advocates, continued
4:00PM - 4:15PM
Evaluations and Wrap-Up
9:00am - 9:15am
welcome and introductions: standpoint
9:10am - 10:10am
Minnesota/Federal Criminal Case and Statute Law Update Case Law & Statutes
Presented by: Rana Alexander
Overview of case and statue law changes in criminal law and how they might affect victims of domestic and sexual assault.
10:10am - 10:20am
10:20am - 11:20am
Minnesota/Federal Criminal Case and Statute Law Update, continued
11:20am - 11:30am
11:30am - 12:30pm
Minnesota OFP and HRO Case and Statute Law Update
Presented by: Rana Alexander
Overview of case law changes in orders for protection and harassment restraining order law and how they will affect victims of domestic and sexual assault.
12:30pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Minnesota/Federal Family Case and Statute Law Update
Presented by: Rana Alexander
Overview of case law changes in family law over the past year and how they might affect victims of domestic and sexual assault. Focusing on jurisdiction issues, custody, child support, child protection, child abuse.
2:30pm - 2:40pm
2:40pm - 4:00pm
Minnesota/Federal Administrative Case and Statute Law Update
Presented by: Rana Alexander
Overview of case law changes in administrative law and how they might affect victims of domestic and sexual assault.