THI SYNAVONE - executive Director

Thi Synavone has worked in the domestic and sexual violence field for over 20 years. Thi brings to Standpoint extensive knowledge and experience around providing advocacy to survivors, management of special programs, coordination of events to promote awareness about DV and SV, and facilitation of trainings on varying topics as it relates to DV and SV survivors, in particular topics focusing on victimization of immigrant and refugee populations. Thi graduated from the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault’s (CALCASA) Leadership Education and Advancement for Professionals (LEAP) in 2015 and has continued to train nationally about Leadership Development for Women of Color. Thi is a graduate from Augsburg College with a dual major in Political Science and Communications and also has a Master’s in Public and Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University. Before transitioning to Executive Director in 2023, Thi was Standpoint’s Director of Organizational & Staff Development.

ana maria studer – advocacy support program manager

Ana Maria joined Standpoint in October of 2022. She has worked in the domestic violence field since 2006, providing advocacy to victims/survivors from various demographic groups. She has extensive experience in shelter, legal, and community outreach advocacy. Ana Maria was also the Manager of Community Services for a domestic violence organization, overseeing the Criminal Justice, Housing, On-Scene, and Prevention and Education programs. Prior to moving to the United States in 1991, Ana Maria worked as a Family doctor in Venezuela. She has a medical doctor degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela, and did her specialization in Family Medicine. 


Andy (he/him) joined Standpoint in April 2024. Andy attended Penn State Law, during which time he served as lead student counsel at the Civil Rights Appellate Clinic and as a student attorney at the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau. After settling into Minnesota, Andy represented clients in immigration and family law matters at Igbanugo Partners Int’l Law Firm and Groshek Law. Andy has spent most of his career helping people with few resources facing dire circumstances, including those facing immigration authorities, marriage dissolution, and eviction. As a staff attorney at Standpoint, Andy provides legal advice and representation to victim/survivors of labor trafficking, as well as recruits and supports volunteer attorneys who provide pro bono representation for people experiencing labor trafficking.

Bailey Hovland – Staff attorney

Bailey (she/her) joined Standpoint in December of 2024. She graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School where she represented detained immigrants as a Certified Student Attorney through the Binger Center for New Americans and earned a concentration in family law. Bailey also externed for two district court judges in Ramsey County and clerked for the Honorable Kevin Miller in Otter Tail County following her graduation from law school. She has considerable experience representing clients in both family and immigration law cases and previously worked for the Feminist Majority Foundation to promote gender equity in reproductive healthcare. As a Staff Attorney with Standpoint, Bailey advocates for survivors by providing legal advice in Title IX, family, child protection/termination of parental rights, housing, immigration, and other matters that intersect with domestic and sexual violence.

Elli Vega – Underserved Populations Support Advocate

Elli (she/her) joined Standpoint in March 2023. She received her bachelor’s degree from Hamline University with a dual major in Women’s Studies and Legal Studies, and a Psychology minor. She also earned her paralegal certificate in 2020. She has experience providing criminal and civil legal advocacy to victims of violence, as well as sexual violence crisis advocacy. Elli has a passion for improving equitable access to resources and advocacy.

latore price – confidentiality protocol attorney

Latore (she/her) joined Standpoint in August 2024. She is a graduate of New York University School of Law. Throughout her career, she has advised businesses and nonprofits on a variety of issues, including their confidentiality obligations under federal, state and local laws, performed investigative work and represented clients in litigation. She has also done pro bono work for and volunteered with organizations such as The Legal Aid Society and Covenant House New York, aiding clients with VAWA petitions, applications to obtain benefits and housing court cases. As a Staff Attorney with Standpoint, she works with multidisciplinary teams to develop and provide training on maintaining confidentiality under the Minnesota Safe Harbor Law.

MADELIN (Mads) Micheyl – operations Manager

Mads (she/her) joined the Standpoint team in January of 2025. She has experience working with advocacy and Indigenous focused nonprofit organizations in administrative operations since 2020, and double majored in Communications and Women’s Studies. She is passionate about supporting her Indigenous and intersecting communities, specifically those impacted by domestic and sexual violence.


Madeline (she/her) joined Standpoint’s team in October of 2022. She comes from St. Louis County where she began her work in the field of domestic violence in 2016. Her primary experience is in providing civil and criminal legal advocacy to victim-survivors from within both a shelter and resource center setting. In her prior role, Madeline served on a team within a police department assisting in the facilitation of a coordinated community response to DV related crimes. She is affiliated through board and committee service with nonprofits in northern Minnesota whose missions involve reproductive justice, gender affirming healthcare, and expanding access to affordable housing. Madeline has a Master’s in Advocacy and Political Leadership from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and received her bachelor’s in Communications with a minor in Women’s Studies.

Raelene Caswell - Housing Advocate / Supervising Advocate

Raelene (she/her) began her work as an advocate in 2009. She has focused on housing stabilization, crisis intervention, shelter work, hospital-based advocacy, program development, and volunteer management. She is passionate about promoting the wellness and resiliency of advocates in the field.

raschon simmons – Legal Assistance for Victims Legal Advocate

Raschon (she/her) has worked in Domestic and Sexual violence advocacy since 2016. Raschon’s work has included crisis intervention, outreach, and legal advocacy. Raschon was previously an advocate inside of a police department where she helped to build protocols and strengthen relationships. During her time as an advocate within a police department Raschon was part of the domestic abuse response team in Minneapolis where she provided on scene advocacy to survivors. Raschon received her Bachelors in Human Services with a minor in Psychology from Mount Marty College.

sam irvin – Legal Assistance for Victims LEGAL ADVOCATE

Sam (she/her) joined Standpoint in June 2023 and has been working in domestic violence since 2021. Sam has focused on civil and criminal legal advocacy and crisis intervention for victim-survivors. In her previous role, Sam was embedded in various police departments across Hennepin County and was active on committees working for criminal/civil justice system change. Sam also was previously involved in a program which provided pro bono legal representation for protection orders, providing communication between advocates and attorneys. Sam graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Political Science.


Sami (she/her) joined Standpoint in May 2024. She is a graduate of New York University School of Law and has focused her legal work on helping victim/survivors navigate the family court system. Prior to joining Standpoint, Sami worked at Central Minnesota Legal Services, where she represented survivors of domestic violence in family court proceedings including custody, divorce, and orders for protection. As a Staff Attorney at Standpoint, Sami provides legal advice and consultation on family law issues affecting victim/survivors.