If you are in immediate danger, please call 911

Minnesota Day One Crisis Hotline: 1.866.223.1111

If you're being hurt or abused, the Minnesota Day One Crisis Hotline assists you to get help, safety and support. One call connects you with an advocate trained in supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking who can help you find a shelter and the services you need in your area. 

Law Help MN is a great free, online tool that is designed to help you understand your legal issues. The site is perfect for pro se (self-representation). There are easy-to-understand documents explaining a plethora of legal topics, as well as a legal directory if you are seeking additional legal assistance.

The Minnesota Judicial Branch website provides access to frequently requested information, including paying fines, obtaining forms, accessing case records, filing a case, finding courts, and all other Minnesota Court related information.

Safe at Home exists to provide a confidential address to help people who fear for their safety. This statewide program offers a unique safety measure, allowing participants to go about their daily life without their aggressor locating them. 

The Minnesota Alliance on Crime (MAC) connects systems, service providers, and victims to advance the response for victims of all crime.