Immigrant Crime Victim Collaborative

Purpose: Increase awareness of trends, successful strategies, and challenges in working with immigrant crime victims in Minnesota. Share updates on program changes, law and public policy developments, and community concerns impacting immigrant crime victims. Connect members with colleagues, victim resources, and training opportunities to better serve immigrant crime victims.

Activity: The ICVC meets once per quarter on Tuesdays from 9:30–11:00am. Quarterly meetings include updates and announcements, guided conversations, open discussions, and/or presentations from outside service providers. Meeting agendas will be provided in advance so members may suggest additional agenda items. Members are encouraged to share information and ask questions through the member email list between meetings.

Guiding Principles for ICVC Meetings and Communications

  • Facilitate collaboration between attorneys, advocates, and others who work with immigrant crime victims;

  • Increase awareness of issues, concerns, and successes in work with immigrant crime victims;

  • Collaborate to identify solutions to problems and share best practices to support victim needs;

    Assume good intentions, maintain a non-judgmental attitude, and come prepared to share and learn in order to better support victims.

Respect for Confidentiality: ICVC members and guest speakers should be mindful of and respect client confidentiality. Discussions referencing specific cases should exclude client names and identifying information to the extent possible.

Process for Inclusion of New Members: Membership requests may be made to ICVC leaders either directly by prospective members or by a current member on their behalf. New prospective members will be announced via email and all current ICVC members will have at least one week to express any concerns regarding the addition of a prospective member. If no concerns are expressed in the time given, the prospective member will be accepted.

If any concerns are expressed, ICVC leader(s) will consider the nature of the concern(s) and ICVC’s purpose and guiding principles to determine whether the new member should be accepted or rejected. In the event that leadership is unable to come to a fair determination, they will bring the issue to the next ICVC quarterly meeting for group discussion and vote.

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