We invite you to stand with us as we promote justice for domestic and sexual violence victims. COVID-19 has greatly impacted survivors and the agencies who support them. This past year, our action line has remained open and we’ve added additional staff to meet the increased demand for support during lockdown and civil unrest. We saw a 20% increase in calls from January to April of 2020. From July to September last year, we continued to see an increase in the number of people calling our Action Line- we had more than 2x the number of calls to our 800 number in June 2020 compared to those we saw in May 2019.
Please consider donating year-round to fund legal assistance and advocacy for victim survivors.
As the courts and other legal systems re-open, we will continue to see an increase in calls. Standpoint is doing everything it can to meet the need during this time through the dedicated staff, interns and volunteers who contribute their time and expertise.
Your contributions help us keep domestic and sexual violence victims
safe, supported and informed.