Date: June 8th 2023
Time: 2:45 p.m. (Entire CLE is 8:15-4:30)
Location: Online
Host/Partner (if applicable): Our Family Wizard, MSBA/HCBA/RCBA Family Law Section, and Legal Assistance of Olmsted County
Title: You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling: All About HROs & OFPs (entire CLE)
Description: How Cultural Differences Affect Abusers and Victims and How to Obtain Effective and Enforceable Orders
Presenters: Artyce Thomas (Rochester Women’s Shelter Executive Director), Elli Vega and Ana Maria Studer (Standpoint Advocates), and Salena So (Rochester Women’s Shelter Senior Advocate)
Intended Audience: Attorneys, Advocates, Therapists, and other professionals who work in Domestic Violence intervention
Open or Private: Open
Registration link: